The BASemulator is a handy utility that works in conjunction with the Sedona Application Editor (SAE) and BASbackup - the BAScontrol Project Utility. BASemulator can emulate on a Windows PC the operation of any of the controllers in the BAScontrol series – BAScontrol20 and BAScontrol22. All real, virtual and web points including Sedona logic in a BAScontroller can be viewed with SAE as if it was the actual controller. All web pages used for displaying point status and for configuration appear on your web browser as if it was the actual controller. This has several advantages.
Executing a Sedona application requires a Sedona Virtual Machine (SVM) to reside on the target controller and all BAScontrol models have resident SVMs including the BASemulator. One virtue of Sedona Framework technology is that it Is portable to other platforms – even to a Raspberry Pi or a Windows PC. Contemporary Controls has made the BASemulator to emulate a BAScontroller on a Windows PC. This will allow for the development and testing of BAScontrol applications without having the actual controller. With SAE as the Sedona programming tool and the BASemulator as the virtual controller, you can learn Sedona programming on your own with just your Windows PC. With a common web browser, you can make IP and BACnet configuration settings to the BASemulator, and with BASbackup you can store your Sedona project with all your configurations for eventual restoring to a real controller.
The Sedona Application Editor, BASbackup and the BASemulator can be downloaded from the Contemporary Controls' website and installed on a Windows PC as a single install. A Java virtual machine is required in the Windows PC. The emulator comes with four Sedona project files. Two project files clear the controller to factory default settings while the other two project files contain live Sedona programs executing outputs. Although Sedona I/O components exist on the emulator, there are no physical I/O points. However, output action can be observed by viewing the point values on the emulator’s main web page or by viewing the execution of the Sedona output components using SAE. Input points can be forced to observe control action.
The BASemulator uses the Windows PC’s private address although it appears to be using the real IP address of the controller it is emulating. Before the emulator is launched, the type of emulation (BASC20 or BASC22) is made. Once launched, the emulated controller main web page appears. Using a common web browser, web pages can be examined and configurations made. By launching SAE, Sedona programs can be made to the emulator. With BASbackup, the completed project file of Sedona application, IP and BACnet configurations can be saved just as if it was a real controller.
BASemulator is available by download with SAE and BASbackup as a single install. To download, go to the BAScontrol Toolset product page and login or create an account.